Identification of Fungi Associated with Food Spoilage in Powdered Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) from Nigeria: A Case Study of Yaba Market
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2024
Pepper, market, fungi, DNA extraction, molecular identification, Aspergillus niger, GenBank, MycoBank
Fungal contamination of pepper results in economic hazard and losses and changes in the taste and quality of foods when applied. This study is aimed at isolation and identification of fungi in powdered pepper sold in the market. Dry pepper samples were collected from fifteen different points of sale at Yaba market in Lagos, Nigeria and were treated in a stomacher for homogenization and serial dilution of 1:9. Isolation of fungi from the powered pepper was done by inoculation of 1mL from serial dilution of 10-6 on MEA (Malt Extract Agar) and CYA (Czapek Yeast Extract agar) plates and incubated for five days at 250C. Identification of the fungi was carried out by examining colony colour, hyphae, shape and arrangement of spores. Molecular identification of fungi to species level was carried out by DNA extraction of fungi, followed by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to prepare samples for sequencing in GenBank National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Agarose gel was used to assess DNA quality under UV light (PCR gel bands). The PCR products sequenced were analyzed first by electropherogram then compared with sequences in the GenBank (NCBI) and MycoBank blasted for highest probability, highest query cover and percentage identity matching EF (Exact Matches Found) and ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer). Results show that Aspergillus niger was prevalent in all the samples. Aspergillus niger as a contaminant can cause economic hazard and losses by causing change of colour to the powdered pepper, making it difficult to sell and can also cause changes in the taste of foods when added as condiment.
Current: Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2025
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