International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences

...science in the Development of Community and World at Large

Microbial Assessment of Bonny Drinking Water Sources as a direct link to the ongoing outbreak of Typhoid fever and Diarrhoea

Jumbo, E.I*., Ikechukwu, C., Samuel-Penu, B., and Ikor, P.U

Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2024


Microbial assessment, Bonny Drinking water, Typhoid outbreak


Water void of microbial contaminants is said to be safe for drinking as the chances of diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal diseases transmitted by water is limited. The microbial assessment of Bonny drinking water sources was evaluated to determine the sources of ongoing outbreaks of typhoid and diarrhea in Bonny. Water samples were collected from taps of Kiosks located in four communities within the Local Government Area. The communities included: Bypass water kiosk, Akiama water Kiosk, Oguede water kiosk, and Shell water tap. These tap waters are known to be supplied by two sources: Bonny Utility Company and the Shell Water. The microbiological parameters were analysed using standard microbiological methods. The total heterotrophic bacterial counts ranged from 4.8±0.7×104 to 4.0×105 CFU/mL, while the fungal counts ranged from 0.81±0.8×103 to 1.8±0.8SFU/mL. The coliform and faecal coliform counts were 0. The total heterotrophic bacterial load of the Akiama water kiosk was significantly (P<0.05) higher than counts of the other kiosk water samples. Staphylococcus sp, Bacillus sp and Pseudomonas sp were isolated from the water samples. Salmonella thyphi which is the causative agent of thyphoid fever was not isolated during the study. The fungal isolates associated with the water samples included Penicillium, Mucor, Aspergillus niger and Candida sp. Despite the high THB counts, the absence of faecal coliform and total coliform implied that the water could be safe for drinking and treatment measures to eliminate fungal isolates is highly recommended.

Current: Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2025

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