International Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences

...science in the Development of Community and World at Large

Prevalence and Antifungal Profile of Fungi Isolated From Drinking Water Sources in Gbam in Tai Ogoni

Nwogwugwu, N. R*., Obire, O., and Nrior, R.R

Vol 3, Issue 1, 2024


Gbam-Ogoni community, drinking water sources, stream, well, borehole, fungi, prevalence


Fungal contamination of water sources is a significant concern due to the potential health risks associated with fungal infections. This study investigated the prevalence and antifungal sensitivity of fungal species in various drinking water sources (surface water, borehole, well and sachet water) in Gbam community in Ogoni in Tai local government area. The samples were analyzed using standard microbiological techniques to isolate and identify fungal species. Fungal colonies were identified based on morphological and microscopic characteristics. The results revealed a high prevalence of fungal species in water sources, surface water recorded higher percentage followed by well and borehole water respectively. Various fungal species belonging to the genera Candida (60%), Mucor (21%), Penicillium (12%), and Aspergillus (7%), were identified. The results of antifungal sensitivity profile revealed that all the fungal isolates except Candida and Yeast species were resistant to Nystatin and Clostrinazole while all the isolate revealed high sensitivity level to Ketoconazole and Fluconazole except Mucor species that was resistant to ketoconazole. These fungal species are known to causes infections. The presence of these fungi in the water sources suggests a potential risk of fungal infections to individuals consuming contaminated water. Proper water treatment and disinfection are necessary to prevent fungal contamination and ensure the safety of drinking water. This study highlights the prevalence and diversity of fungal species in drinking water sources in Gbam in Ogoni. The findings emphasize the need for regular monitoring and protection of water sources to prevent fungal contamination and protect public health.

Current: Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2025

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